Friday, August 20, 2010

Veganism 102

Some clarifying notes before I tell y'all why I eat vegan.
Red-40, contrary to popular belief, is not and never has been derived from beetles, but rather petroleum, it is therefore vegan. This is fortunate because as most vegans know many vegan candies contain red-40.
Some vegans also refrain from consuming honey, but not all. I personally keep bees. Yay Bees!
Beet sugar is also unbleached so often if something doesn't specify cane sugar it will use beet sugar, but if you are uncertain then you'll have to decide for yourself.
One more unexpected non-vegan food is wine, sorry to all you drinkers out there, but most wines use a settling process in the kegs which involves milk solids. I have verified this with a woman I know who owns a winery. There are some vegan wines but you have to find them.

Protein can be found in Soy as mentioned by Cutie, but it is also in legumes and whole grains, also the issue surrounding soy and estrogen is controversial since soy contains phytoestrogen which is different from estrogen and there's debate over whether of not it is actually detrimental. I suggest if you are a female consume what you fear to be excessive soy to look into it personally and not trust hear say. I'm personally not sure where I stand but I also am a male and don't really need a stance.

B-12 can also be found in fortified cereals, energy bars, and some nutritional yeasts (which I find to be a vegan godsend and definitely encourage people vegan and not to look into), I also recently saw a "b-12 shot" which was made by five hour energy so if you're into that, which I personally am not, then that is something to look into. This is really the only nutrient which can not be found in plants and must be supplemented into the diet.

Calcium can also be found in seaweeds, nuts, seeds,molasses, beans, quinoa (an excellent source), amaranth, collard greens, okra, rutabaga, broccoli, kale, oranges, and fortified orange juice, as well as many other sources.

Now on to the good part.
I would like to preface my "why I'm vegan" acknowledging that I am in fact not a vegan. In addition to raising bees I also raise a small flock of chickens and will eat their eggs, you'll see why...
Basho: I eat (primarily) vegan for many reasons but the primary reasoning is that I believe a diet similar to that found in most developed nations is unsustainable to the health of the planet and the greater human race. Factory farming contributes more to climate change than all of the worlds transportation combined. I also realize that it would be inappropriate to assume that everyone in the world in its current state could live on a vegan diet and I would not wish that, but I believe that people as a whole have developed an unhealthy relationship with their food, and certainly most people living in developed nations should not have too much trouble eating vegan since many people do it successfully. I am not opposed to truly sustainable animal farming, but I believe that is so rare in this country and many others that for me I'd prefer to simply avoid it all together. Oh, and I think it's more fun.

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